R100 000


Music Scholarship




Singers & Instrumentalists


Please read all the information below before entering the competition



  1. The competition is only open to South African citizens who are at school/studying in South Africa.

  2. Age limit: Not older than 22 years (instrumentalists) or 26 years (singers) on the closing date for entries.
  3. Candidates must present repertoire equivalent or higher than UNISA, ABRSM or TRINITY Grade 8.
  4. A maximum of six candidates will go through to the final prizewinner's concert.
  5. Only ONE prize of R100 000 will be awarded.
  6. Previous winners of this bursary are not allowed to enter again.
  7. The order of the final concert programme is determined at the discression of the jury.





Sangers & Instrumentaliste




Lees asb. al die inligting hier onder voor jy vir die kompetisie inskryf



  1. Kompetisie is slegs toeganklik vir Suid-Afrikaanse burgers wat ten tye van die kompetisie in Suid-Afrika skoolgaan/studeer.

  2. Ouderdomsbeperking: nie ouer as 22 jaar (instrumentaliste) of 26 jaar (sangers) ten tye van die sluitingsdatum nie.

  3. Kandidate moet repertorium aanbied wat gelykstaande of hoër is as UNISA, ABRSM of TRINITY graad 8.

  4. ’n Maksimum van ses finaliste dring deur na die finale pryswennerskonsert. 

  5. Slegs EEN prys van R100 000 word toegeken.

  6. Vorige wenners van die kompetisie mag nie weer deelneem nie.
  7. Die volgorde van die konsertprogram word volgens die diskresie van die beoordelaars bepaal.




The video recording must include German and two more languages of the candidate’s choice representing three style periods. One art song and one opera/oratorio recitative and aria must also be included. All works must be sung in the original language. 

No traditional or popular music may be presented. 


Singers must be accompanied by a pianist and the accompanist during the competition will be the responsibility of the candidate.


Candidates must register and upload the following documents before 10:00 on 1 October 2024:


  1. Certified copy of ID
  2. Certified copy of the last practical examination report/certificate
  3. Proof of registration from current school, university or home school
  4. A sworn affidavit that the applicant did not previously study abroad
  5. An unedited video recording with a duration of maximum 15 minutes of three contrasting works from three different style periods

  6. Details of the recorded pieces and instrument or voice type 

  7. A detailed description of how the bursary will be put to use


The competition date for singers and instrumentalists: 10 December 2024, Odeion School of Music, Bloemfontein.

Entries are free. Only one prize of R100 000 will be awarded.




Die video-opname moet Duits asook twee ander tale van u keuse insluit met werke verteenwoordigend van drie styltydperke. Een kunslied en een opera/
oratoriumresitatief en -aria moet ingesluit wees. Alle werke moet in die oorspronklike taal uitgevoer word.


Geen tradisionele of ligte musiek mag aangebied word nie. 

Sangers moet deur ’n pianis begelei word op die opname en tydens die kompetisie is alle begeleiers die verantwoordelikheid van die kandidaat. 


Kandidate moet voor 10:00 op 1 Oktober 2024 op die kompetisiewebwerf registreer en die volgende oplaai:


  1. Gesertifiseerde afskrif van ID
  2. Gesertifiseerde afskrif van laaste praktiese eksamenrapport en/of sertifikaat
  3. Bewys van registrasie van huidige skool, universiteit of tuisonderrig
  4. ‘n Beëdigde verklaring dat die applikant nie voorheen in die buiteland studeer het nie
  5. ’n Ongeredigeerde video-opname van maksimum 15 minute, met drie kontrasterende werke wat drie verskillende stylperiodes verteenwoordig
  6. Detail oor die opgeneemde werke en instrument- of stemsoort
  7. 'n Gedeatailleerde beskrywing van hoe die beursgeld aangewend sal word



Kompetisiedatum vir sangers instrumentaliste: 10 Desember 2024, Odeion School of Music, Bloemfontein.

Inskrywings is gratis. Slegs een prys van R100 000 sal oorhandig word.



Candidates must register and upload the following documents before 10:00 on 1 October 2024:


  1. Certified copy of ID
  2. Certified copy of the last practical examination report/certificate
  3. Proof of registration from current school or university
  4. A sworn affidavit that the applicant did not previously study abroad
  5. An unedited video recorded in one take in a well-lit room with the face and instrument of the candidate cleary visable (as well as the accompanist) with a duration of minimum 15 minutes, maximum 20 minutes of three contrasting works from three different style periods. No audiovisual enhacements or effects or editing is allowed. Movements from a Sonata can be included.
  6. List of works in the video recording


The competition date for singers and instrumentalists: 10 December 2024, Odeion School of Music, Bloemfontein.

Entries are free.



Kandidate moet voor 10:00 op 1 Oktober 2024 op die kompetisiewebwerf registreer en die volgende oplaai:


  1. Gesertifiseerde afskrif van ID
  2. Gesertifiseerde afskrif van laaste praktiese eksamenrapport en/of sertifikaat
  3. Bewys van registrasie van huidige skool of universiteit
  4. ‘n Beëdigde verklaring dat die applikant nie voorheen in die buiteland studeer het nie
  5. ’n Ongeredigeerde, ononderbroke video-opname waarin die gesig en instrument van die kandidaat duidelik sigbaar is (asook die begeleier) van minimum 15 minute, maksimum 20 minute, met drie kontrasterende werke wat drie verskillende styltydperke verteenwoordig. Geen oudiovisuele verbeteringe/effekte redigering mag gedoen word nie. Dele van 'n Sonate mag insgesluit wees. 
  6. Lys van werke in die video opname


Kompetisiedatum vir sangers instrumentaliste: 10 Desember 2024, Odeion School of Music, Bloemfontein.

Inskrywings is gratis.



  1. At the prizewinners' concert finalists must present at least four (or more) works representative of three different style periods. The programme must include a recitative and aria from an opera/oratorio, as well as a German art song. 
  2. The final programme may not be shorter than 15 or longer than 20 minutes (singing time).
  3. The same repertoire as in the audition video may be presented in the final round.
  4. Memorisation is compulsory. 



  1. The finalists who are chosen to compete in the prizewinners' concert will be notified by 14 October 2024. This concert will take place in the Odeion at the University of the Free State.
  2. During the prizewinners' concert finalists will be expected to present a programme between 15-20 minutes (playing time) in duration, containing at least THREE style periods. All works should be at Grade 8 level. Not adhering to these specifications will result in a disqualification.
  3. The same repertoire as in the audition video may be presented in the final round.
  4. Memorisation is compulsory for pianists.



  1. Tydens die pryswennerskonsert moet finaliste ten minste vier (of meer) werke aanbied wat verteenwoordigend is van drie verskillende styltydperke. Die program moet 'n resitatief en aria uit 'n opera/oratorium, sowel as 'n Duitse kunslied insluit. 
  2. Die finale program mag nie korter as 15 of langer as 20 minute wees nie (sangtyd).
  3. Dieselfde repertorium as in die oudisie video mag weer in die finale rondte aangebied word.
  4. Memorisering is verpligtend.




  1. Kandidate wat na die pryswennerskonsert deurdring sal teen 14 Oktober 2024 in kennis gestel word. Hierdie konsert sal in die Odeion by die Universiteit van die Vrystaat plaasvind.

  2. Tydens die pryswennerskonsert sal daar van kandidate verwag word om 'n program tussen 15-20 minute (speeltyd) aan te bied van minstens DRIE styltydperke. Alle werke moet minstens op graad 8-vlak wees. Nie nakoming van hierdie reëls sal lei tot diskwalifisering.
  3. Dieselfde repertorium as in die oudisie video mag weer in die finale rondte aangebied word.
  4. Memorisering is verpligtend vir pianiste.

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